Saturday, March 30, 2019

Center for Teaching and Learning

This week was exciting for because I was able to work on a new project for the CTL building located inside South Mountain Community College's library. CTL stands for Center for Teaching and Learning; the purpose of this area is to assist SMCC's professors/instructors with tools and resources like workshops (for example) that will help them become successful instructors/professors. The ladies in charge of the CTL building are Dr. Shaffer and Patricia Herrera who are the ones who organize all of the events going on in the CTL. They also have a multimedia room, they create videos and podcasts. The name of their podcast is called Innovative Teaching Podcast. Hopefully I'll get to experience working in the multimedia room!
This week I worked on a slideshow presentation that included information like dates, events, workshops, tips, and motivational quotes. The slideshow will be used to present the information on a big monitor that is located right in front of the main entrance of the CTL building. The purpose
of the slideshow is to keep all of the faculty entering informed. Here is a snippet of one of the slides.